Welcome to 10 Best Power Generators!
Our family has been using generators for tailgating and camping for decades. My personal experience with generators dated back when I was kid. My Dad was a General Contractor, and there were always these powerful generators at his jobsites.
I am now living in California with my wife and two kids. In recent years, a home back-up generator has become an essential in our state. We potentially face blackouts that can last many days when the local utility shuts down large areas of the electrical grid during high-wind/high-temperature conditions.
Over the years, we’ve learned a lot about good back-up and portable generators. Being an engineer by profession, and my experience with various power source, I have become the “advisor” to friends, neighbors and relatives when they are looking for back-up power.
My beautiful wife, Rachel, suggested that we launch this site to help fellow homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts access to the many alternate power-source options.
We recommend products based on their features, reliability and customer reviews, in addition to our personal experience. We hope our buying guide, checklist and reviews will be helpful to you in your buying evaluation and selection of the right generator for you.
Thank you for visiting with us.
Bruce Allen & Rachel Gaines
Founders, 10 Best Power Generators